Friday, May 31, 2013

Twin Towers Final Cut

Take a close look at this plane flying into the tower...what do you see?
     What kind of plane would you say that is; can't tell? Well, to lead things off, the plane is dark grey. Take a look at this close up of the plane..

 No photo shopping of any kind was done.
     Notice the huge missile-like attachments to the bottom of the plane. This plane was dark grey, and had these "things" attached to the bottom. Here is what a United Airlines jumbo jet looks like.

This plane is white and grey, clearly different colors than the planes that crashed into the towers. And the belly of the plane is naked; nothing at all is connected to the belly of the plane. But, the types of aircraft that don't have naked bellies are military planes. Aside from that, it plain looks like huge missiles strapped to the bottom of the 9/11 plane.
     As the plane strikes the tower, an explosion occurs at the tip of the plane, and again in the center of the belly of the plane as the jet engines also explode.
 Here you can see the explosion well before the engines hit the tower(what should explode in a plane crash)
And here you can see the burst of light grey smoke under the center of the belly of the plane, as well as the jet engines as they explode. What could've been attached to the belly of the plane to cause similar effects to the engines as the plane crashes and engines explode?
     World Trade Center Building 7; this building stands 47 stories tall, with the same type of construction of the towers in that it could withstand a terrorist attack. A plane didn't even crash into this building, and there were only fires on a few floors. People attest that due to the smoke, we hod no vision of the backside of the tower(the side bombarded by debree from the towers), and that the damage was significant enough to bring down the building. If that were true Building 7 wouldn't have collapsed the way it did, extremely similar to the collapses of the towers. Here is the video of Building 7 collapsing compare to an actual controlled demolition. WTC collapse, apologies for the audio and intro, I didn't create this video. If you look closely, you can see the explosions ripple throughout the right side of the building. a controlled demolition or (skyscraper implosion)
     Notice anything different between the two videos? Me neither. Although you could see the explosions in the controlled demolition and it was much harder to see in Building 7, I'd imagine that's the way it would be if nobody was supposed to know about the demolition. Both buildings had the initial kink in the core of the building, and then timber; fell what looks to be the exact same way, into rubbel, from a few fires...?


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