Friday, May 31, 2013

9/11 Commission

     On page 172 of the 9/11 Commission Report they state they could not find the source of the money used for the 9/11 attacks; "ultimately it is of little practical significance." Huh? Finding the source of the money used for the attack would help figure out who was involved in the attack, right?
     In the 10,000 page report, the collapsing of Building 7 particularly, was difficult to explain. The 9/11 report admitted it could not explain the collapse of building 7, BY NOT EVEN MENTIONING IT. 10,000 pages of writing, and no mentioning of an explanation as to why Building 7 collapsed.
     The final report was a unanimous report. This means any objections by any commissioners were thrown out the window. Here's a fun fact: Commission Director Philip Zelikow served on the transmission team of the Bush administration; He wrote the draft memo for the setup of the Bush Administration's National Security Council; He was an individual who wrote the preemptive war strategy, that was eventually used for the war in Iraq; and he is a close friend of Condoleezza Rice's, who we all know as the Secretary of the State during the Bush administration. Why is this important? Well, he is the 9/11 Commission Director.
     According to Paul Thompson, author of The Terror Timeline, states that there is literally nothing in the 9/11 report that the Bush Administration didn't approve of. I believe this is called censorship, and lying to the public, if there were facts omitted from the report.
     David Ray Green states in a conference held about the attack, "We can therefore understand why the Commission, under Zelikow's leadership, would have ignored all evidence that would point to the truth; that 9/11 was a false flag operation, intended to authorize doctrines and funds needed for a new level of imperial mobilization."
     That is my point of this blog in plain English. Is there a possibility that our own government was involved in the 9/11 attack in order to authorize doctrines and funds needed for a new level of imperialization? What are we the people missing about our government?
 Is it possible that the US, the only left superpower on the globe, and easily the most advanced military in the world, failed to stop hijackers, armed with box cutters, from hijacking 4 planes in one day, and crashing them into the targets( Twin towers, Building 7, and the Pentagon), at a %75 accuracy rate?
 Is it possible that the Twin towers, two of the most structurally sound and durable buildings in the US, collapsed to dust and rubble from a single airliner crashing into each building, well over half way up?
 Is it possible for jet fuel to leave pools of molten metal under the towers over 6 weeks after the attack?
Is it possible for Building 7 to collapse, when a plane never even hit it?
Is it possible for a passport from a hijacker to be found blocks away from the towers, untouched?
Is it possible for several of the accused hijackers to be alive today, one testifying he isn't even a suicide bomber, and he can't even fly a plane?

     According to Zeitgeist, since the attack, "Military spending has increased by 100 billion A YEAR in the US. Nearly all of the Bill of Rights have been subverted, and two 'preemptive' wars killing over 800,000 civilians have been waged." What on earth is going on behind the scenes of our US government? Why hasn't anything about the 9/11 attacks been explained honestly?

Twin Towers Final Cut

Take a close look at this plane flying into the tower...what do you see?
     What kind of plane would you say that is; can't tell? Well, to lead things off, the plane is dark grey. Take a look at this close up of the plane..

 No photo shopping of any kind was done.
     Notice the huge missile-like attachments to the bottom of the plane. This plane was dark grey, and had these "things" attached to the bottom. Here is what a United Airlines jumbo jet looks like.

This plane is white and grey, clearly different colors than the planes that crashed into the towers. And the belly of the plane is naked; nothing at all is connected to the belly of the plane. But, the types of aircraft that don't have naked bellies are military planes. Aside from that, it plain looks like huge missiles strapped to the bottom of the 9/11 plane.
     As the plane strikes the tower, an explosion occurs at the tip of the plane, and again in the center of the belly of the plane as the jet engines also explode.
 Here you can see the explosion well before the engines hit the tower(what should explode in a plane crash)
And here you can see the burst of light grey smoke under the center of the belly of the plane, as well as the jet engines as they explode. What could've been attached to the belly of the plane to cause similar effects to the engines as the plane crashes and engines explode?
     World Trade Center Building 7; this building stands 47 stories tall, with the same type of construction of the towers in that it could withstand a terrorist attack. A plane didn't even crash into this building, and there were only fires on a few floors. People attest that due to the smoke, we hod no vision of the backside of the tower(the side bombarded by debree from the towers), and that the damage was significant enough to bring down the building. If that were true Building 7 wouldn't have collapsed the way it did, extremely similar to the collapses of the towers. Here is the video of Building 7 collapsing compare to an actual controlled demolition. WTC collapse, apologies for the audio and intro, I didn't create this video. If you look closely, you can see the explosions ripple throughout the right side of the building. a controlled demolition or (skyscraper implosion)
     Notice anything different between the two videos? Me neither. Although you could see the explosions in the controlled demolition and it was much harder to see in Building 7, I'd imagine that's the way it would be if nobody was supposed to know about the demolition. Both buildings had the initial kink in the core of the building, and then timber; fell what looks to be the exact same way, into rubbel, from a few fires...?


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Twin Towers part 3

     Aside from the pools of molten steel, during the collapse of the towers the sounds and visions of explosions were heard and seen by numerous people. Watch this clip of survivors talking about the explosions during the attack. its 27 minutes, but you'll get the point quickly.

     These witnesses time and time again explain that there were explosions inside the towers, how could there possibly be explosions? Look at this photo showing the explosions in the towers.

What's the explanation for these smaller explosions low in the towers? When the first plane hit there were fires in the basement levels of the south tower, how is that possible?! One reporter during the attack actually says on camera, "It looks like there's more fire coming from the ground than where the plane hit."
     William Rodriguez, a 20 year employee of the WTC was on basement level one the morning of the attack. He stated about the attack, "I was talking to a supervisor at 8:46, and all of a sudden we hear a BOOM, an explosion so hard it pushed us upwards. It came from the B2 and B3 levels of the tower." How could they be pushed upwards in the basement level of the tower if the planes crashed over 70 floors off the ground? After the blast he heard he goes on to say, "after we heard the boom we heard another loud boom, the impact of the airplane." A boom before the plane hit ?
     So, how can we ignore all of these testaments to explosions in the towers, all the photos and video?
On top of the possibility of thermite used during in the attack, there is an immense amount of evidence that suggests the possibility of actual explosions occuring within the towers, not caused by the crashing of the plane...
     Look for my post tomorrow by midnight about the plane's involvement in the collapsing of the towers and WTC Building 7. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Twin Towers cont'd

     Now, what is that molten metal? Some believe the only thing strong enough to cut through columns like that is something called Thermite. Thermite is a mixture of metal and aluminum oxide powder, reacts exothermically, and reaches temperatures up to and over 2,000 degrees Celsius.
     Pools of this molten metal collected at the bottom of the towers and Building 7, though Building 7 wasn't hit by a plane.

If jet fuel caused the fires, how could pools of molten metal form at the bottom of the towers, and how could the pools be burning several weeks after the attack? The molten metal was found at temperatures over 2,000 degrees; 200 degrees hotter than jet fuel can possibly burn. Wouldn't jet fuel vaporize as it burns anyway?

 Molten metal was also seen falling from the towers.

     Some dispute that actual Thermite was found at the WTC. The official report written by the 9/11 commission doesn't mention the pools of molten metal at all, nor does any tests in the 10,000 page report, according to Zeitgeist investigators.
     Active Thermitic material was found in the dust from the 9/11 attacks according to the Open Chemical Physics Journal.   
     Professor Niels Harrit, Chemistry professor at the University of Copenhagen, examined the rubble from the attack and stated, " We found remains of what we would characterize as a 'thermitic' material. This is a very energetic material which can be used either for melting iron or can be designed as an explosive. The evidence proposing a controlled demolition is overwhelming. Thermite produces molten iron. Molten iron was found in pools in the rubble, from the caking on of Thermite. This was the richest brew of Thermite chemistry."
     No explanation as to why there were pools of molten metal at the base of the towers, or anywhere in the area code of the 9/11 attack for that matter; and no explanation for the perfectly angled cuts in the columns. Look for my post tomorrow by 12 midnight examining the mysterious sounds of explosions during the attack.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Twin Towers

The Twin Towers: 1,368 and 1,362 feet, 210,000 tons of steel. Its core consisted of 47 columns, 18 feet 3/4 inch steel coated in ridiculously strong aluminum alloy. Frank A. Demartini, manager of World Trade Center Construction stated before the attack, "The Twin Towers could withstand multiple jumbo jet impacts." Aaron Swirsky, a WTC architect, also said over the radio, "The towers were designed to withstand multiple terrorist attacks."

     When the towers collapsed, they both fell at almost a "free fall" rate of speed, with no resistance, reaching the ground in about 10 seconds; that's about 10 floors per second! The only way this is possible is if you strategically cut the columns at the right angles and demo the building. The 9/11 commission seemed to believe otherwise. They explained the collapsing of the towers with the Pancake Theory.

      The Pancake Theory is what the 9/11 Commission reported to be the collapsing of the Twin Towers. The Pancake Theory states that the jet fuel fires and other building fires weakened the core of the towers enough to cause the floors at the top of the towers where the planes crashed to break free from the columns, and collapse straight down one floor on top of another, starting a chain reaction.
     A HUGE problem with this theory, the official theory as to why the towers collapsed, is after the towers collapsed you would expect to see a bunch of floors stacked on top of each other, and a spindle of columns sticking up.The plane didn't cut ALL of the would've also taken a lot longer than 10 seconds for the towers to have collapsed by Pancake Theory. In these photos of the towers after they had collapsed, where are the 100+ floors stacked up on each other?? Where is the spindle of columns that should be sticking up 1,000 feet in the air???

Obviously Pancake Theory isn't what caused the collapse of the Twin Towers

In this photo of the columns after the collapse, why is the column cut perfectly at an angle?!?!?!!

Notice the molten metal around the cut.....

More about that molten metal and other problems with the collapsing of the Twin Towers in tomorrow's post. Look for it after 6pm.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

  I want to take today's post to remember all who serve, and served in our nation's military. Its sad that there's even a possibility that our brothers, sons, fathers, mothers, daughters and sisters unnecessarily sacrifice their lives because the devilish greed of a select few high in power.
  I also want to remember on this Memorial Day the innocent citizens of our nation whos' lives were taken in vein on September 11, 2001.

Look for the main event post by 8pm tomorrow

Sunday, May 26, 2013

19 "Hijackers"

Apologies for the late post, my Internet was down for a few hours.

  Okay so, the head of Pakistani intelligence, ISI Director and General Mahmoud Ahmed wired $100,000 to accused lead hijacker Muhammed Atta about six months before the attack. The reason this money was wired was never investigated by US officials. Why would they disregard this wire transfer to supposedly the leading hijacker in the 9/11 attack? The 9/11 Commission deemed the financing of the attack was "of little practical significance" in their report, but I'll get more into that at a later post. Another fun fact, on the morning of 9/11 government officials were having breakfast with General Ahmad in Washington.
  Among the other 18 accused terrorists responsible, two of the hijackers lived with an FBI informant, and may have attended US military run schools.
  Evidence was also found blocks away from the ashed remains of the twin towers, a passport. This passport belonged to an accused hijacker. How on earth could a hijacker's passport end up blocks away from the towers perfectly in-tact? Was it planted there? I don't see how its possible for a small paperback passport to survive the crashing of a plane into and collapsing(or demolition) of the towers, and end up blocks away without a scratch.
  Accused hijacker Abdulaziz al-Omari states, "I couldn't believe it when the FBI put me on their list. They gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber. I am here. I am alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane."(The Telegraph, 9/23/2001)
  According to Chief of Japan's Democratic Party, "9/11 is a hoax, the 9/11 hijackers are alive and well."(Zeitgeist)
  After testimony by accused hijackers, David Green, and other former government officials, at least seven of the 19 accused hijackers are still alive. How is this possible? How are any alive? The FBI has yet to revise their list.

   Another few notes about my George Bush postings:
   After the attack, Bush was to have a conference with the 9/11 commission to answer questions regarding the attacks. A few points about the conference

      -The conference was to be held on the president's terms, these terms included that Bush and VP Cheney were to appear together. They were not under oath. No friends, family members, or press could attend the conference. And no recordings of the conference were allowed of any kind.

  Why these terms? Why should they appear together, are they afraid of getting their stories mixed up? No vow of oath, and no recordings?! Wouldn't it be important for the public to review this conference?
  After the conference was held, Bush answered press questions, one of them being, "Don't the families deserve the right to see a transcript of the conference?" Bush replies with a heckling laugh, "You asked me that question yesterday, I have the same answer."