Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Twin Towers

The Twin Towers: 1,368 and 1,362 feet, 210,000 tons of steel. Its core consisted of 47 columns, 18 feet 3/4 inch steel coated in ridiculously strong aluminum alloy. Frank A. Demartini, manager of World Trade Center Construction stated before the attack, "The Twin Towers could withstand multiple jumbo jet impacts." Aaron Swirsky, a WTC architect, also said over the radio, "The towers were designed to withstand multiple terrorist attacks."

     When the towers collapsed, they both fell at almost a "free fall" rate of speed, with no resistance, reaching the ground in about 10 seconds; that's about 10 floors per second! The only way this is possible is if you strategically cut the columns at the right angles and demo the building. The 9/11 commission seemed to believe otherwise. They explained the collapsing of the towers with the Pancake Theory.

      The Pancake Theory is what the 9/11 Commission reported to be the collapsing of the Twin Towers. The Pancake Theory states that the jet fuel fires and other building fires weakened the core of the towers enough to cause the floors at the top of the towers where the planes crashed to break free from the columns, and collapse straight down one floor on top of another, starting a chain reaction.
     A HUGE problem with this theory, the official theory as to why the towers collapsed, is after the towers collapsed you would expect to see a bunch of floors stacked on top of each other, and a spindle of columns sticking up.The plane didn't cut ALL of the columns...it would've also taken a lot longer than 10 seconds for the towers to have collapsed by Pancake Theory. In these photos of the towers after they had collapsed, where are the 100+ floors stacked up on each other?? Where is the spindle of columns that should be sticking up 1,000 feet in the air???

Obviously Pancake Theory isn't what caused the collapse of the Twin Towers

In this photo of the columns after the collapse, why is the column cut perfectly at an angle?!?!?!!

Notice the molten metal around the cut.....

More about that molten metal and other problems with the collapsing of the Twin Towers in tomorrow's post. Look for it after 6pm.

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