Friday, May 24, 2013

NORAD and the Missing Jets

According to NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, during any flight if an FAA operator suspects anything that might suggest a hijacking they are to report it to a superior, if the problem is not resolved within a single minute. After that minute goes by, the operator's superior sends a request to NORAD to scramble together fighter jets to see what the problem is. NORAD then calls the most available US Air Force base, and puts in the order. On average, interceptions occur within about10 minutes; in this case( the attack on Sept. 11), 80 minutes had elapsed before a single fighter jet was airborne and headed in the right direction. 80 minutes, enough time for all four "hijacked airlines" to crash. I put hijacked airlines in quotations for a reason, but I'll get to that at a later post.
  So 80 minutes passed by before any jets had a real sense of what was happening, how is this possible? Well, ironically and conveniently, the government had our Air Force running many war game exercises consisting of hijacked planes being flown into government buildings.
  Author of "The New Pearl Harbor" David Ray Green explained in an interview with CNN shortly after the attacks, "They( pilots ) were so deliberately confused that they couldn't respond. The reason they couldn't respond was because a number of conflicting and overlapping war game exercises were taking place which resulted in false radar blips on the radar in the north east air defense sector.
  Green goes on to explain, "There was another war exercise 'Vigilant Warrior', which was in fact according to a NORAD source a live-fly hijack drill being conducted at the same time. With having only 8 available defense aircraft and having to be dispensed in pairs, the fighter jets were dealing with as many as 22 hijacks on Sept. 11 according to their radar, and couldn't distinguish the difference between the war games and the actual hijackings".
  On a recording of the flight operator conversation with the jet pilot, the FAA operator says, " We have a problem here. We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out. The north east air defense pilot replies, "Is this real world or exercise?"
  In 2000 NORAD had 67 intercepts at 100 percent accuracy. On the morning of Sept. 11 they failed four times in a single day. It took 8 times as long( 80 ) minutes to scramble together our fighter jets, nowhere near quick enough to intercept any planes, and alarmingly below the average time it takes a US fighter jet to intercept a possible hijacked aircraft.
  Is it possible that somehow the "terrorists" blamed for the 9/11 attacks knew these war game exercises were going to take place that day? Is it possible that its just a coincidence our own government agency scheduled for all of these games to take place that day, or that after 67 successful interceptions in a row our jets failed four times in one morning? Or that it took 80 minutes just to get a jet headed in the right direction, when it takes 10 minutes to complete interception?!

  Where was president Bush during all this time? Tomorrow, I will be explaining just that, look for the post by noon tomorrow

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