Saturday, May 25, 2013

George W

  Posted above is the URL to the video of George Bush receiving news that the Twin Towers were hit. Can you believe his reaction to the news he was told? How does his reaction make you feel?
  He sits there for another five minutes like its another day at the office, no urgency to do anything really. In the previous post I explained that it took an average of 10 minutes to intercept an aircraft, and George Bush lets at least another five minutes go by before doing anything about it! How long is five minutes in hijack time? We have fighter jets that easily excel faster than the speed of sound so you could imagine...
  Its almost like he was sitting there thinking about how well his plan was working, but I'll get into that at a later post. So if nothing more George Bush's reaction is "creepy" to being told the TWIN TOWERS, of all buildings in America, were being bombarded by hijacked commercial planes.
  Come voice your opinion.
 More about the president's involvement later, tomorrow at about noon, I will post about the "19 hijackers" involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

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